Connect – the network collaboration platform

Communicate and collaborate with foreign associates seamlessly.

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Removing the barriers to collaboration

Global collaboration is essential, yet it can be complex, burdensome, confusing and costly to manage.

Connect allows you to collaborate with your network of agents and service providers within a structured environment seamlessly linking instructions, tasks, fees, invoices and payments. Improve productivity and simplify operations while reducing costs and risk.

Why Connect?

  1. Improve productivity
    Connect’s structured collaboration environment enhances productivity by gathering workflow information in one place and replacing email as a communications medium.
  2. Simplify operations
    Simplify your filing and prosecution processes by eliminating email, automating docketing and streamlining your invoice processing workflows.
  3. Reduce costs
    Connect’s structured collaboration environment enables cost savings by reducing the need to match, check and track information in your filing and prosecution and related invoice management processes.
  4. Achieve predictability in your spend
    By structuring and managing fees and invoices for foreign associates, Connect provides consolidated spending details that helps improve budget forecasting accuracy.
  5. Reduce risk
    Automated docketing eliminates the risk of overlooking incoming information, which can lead to missed deadlines, late fees and potentially lost rights.
  6. Drive digital transformation
    Leverage the power of digitization and global connectivity to transform collaboration across geographies and time zones. Act faster and more efficiently by erasing boundaries and eliminating friction in your communications and transactions.

Key features

Standard prosecution process

  • Get a clear and precise breakdown of lifecycle processes.
  • Track patent and trademark lifecycle events (from pre-filing to maintenance).

Web-based collaboration

  • Send instructions to multiple jurisdictions at once.
  • Follow the progress of your cases easily.
  • Communicate with your agents without using email.

IPMS integrations

  • Save time with instructions sent directly from your IP management system.
  • Reduce manual work with automated docketing.

Standard prosecution grid

  • Simplify tracking with a standard, task-based prosecution grid for all agents.
  • Get fixed fees on prosecution services.
  • Make information predictable and comparable.

Auto-generated invoices

  • Automatically generate invoices upon completion of a task or milestone in a structured process.
  • Automatically populate with agreed-upon fees.
  • Generate accurate, timely invoices.
  • Eliminate need for invoices to be matched and controlled.

Invoice bundling and payment processing

  • Ensure payments are made according to agreed-upon terms.

Get started

Talk to us about your collaboration challenges.

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